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Welkom! Topspeler Ahsan Malik maakt stap naar Sparta Cricket

Wij zijn verheugd te kunnen melden dat voormalig Oranje International Ahsan Malik in het seizoen 2022 uit zal komen voor Sparta Cricket 1. De geboren Rotterdammer zal zowel bowlend als battend veel ervaring en kwaliteit toevoegen aan het elftal. Malik speelde in de jaren 2011-2017 97 duels als prof voor de KNCB en komt over van VOC.

De 32-jarige pacer beleefde zijn crickethoogtepunt ongetwijfeld op het WK van 2014 waarin hij, onder meer met Sparta club captain Mudassar Bukhari, fameuze overwinningen boekte op Ierland en Engeland. Naast de historische reeks van Oranje werd Malik met 12 wickets in 7 wedstrijden gedeeld lijstaanvoerder van beste bowlers van het toernooi. Niet alleen zijn bowling maar ook zijn batting zal van toegevoegde waarde zijn voor Sparta 1 waar hij op meerdere posities in de order kan spelen. Bukhari is niet de enige voormalig ploeggenoot met wie hij zal worden herenigd in Capelle, ook met Manin Singh, Martijn Snoep en Craig Ambrose speelde hij samen bij VOC. Wij heten Ahsan van harte welkom bij Sparta en wensen hem veel succes in het aankomende seizoen!

Welkom! Khalid Ahmadi nieuw bij Sparta Cricket

Sparta Cricket is verheugd te kunnen melden dat het zich heeft verzekerd van de diensten van Khalid Ahmadi. De 27-jarige Afghaanse fast bowler komt over van Belgisch kampioen Beveren en sluit per direct aan bij de selectie die zich in de zaal voorbereid op het aankomende seizoen.

Met Khalid Ahmadi heeft club captain Mudassar Bukhari weer een nieuw wapen tot zijn beschikking in het aankomende Topklasse seizoen. Ahmadi die eerder actief was in Pakistan en Spanje kwam ook al meermaals uit voor zijn nieuwe land België. In België won hij met zijn club Beveren meerdere titels en is klaar voor de volgende stap in zijn carrière. Naast zijn felle bowling spells kunnen we ook zeker aan bat het nodige vuurwerk verwachten zoals hij al demonstreerde in de European Cricket Series waarin hij liet zien de boundary’s snel te kunnen vinden.

Welkom bij Sparta! veel succes!

Drietal vertrekt bij Sparta Cricket

Foto: Max Hoornweg in actie v VCC, 2021. ©

Het drietal spelers; Max Hoornweg, Garnett Tarr en Shaheryar Butt gaan hun cricket een vervolg geven bij een andere club in 2022. Spartaan van het eerste uur Max Hoornweg maakt de overstap naar VOC, Tarr vertrekt naar Schotland en van Butt is nog geen definitieve bestemming bekend.

Meest opvallende overschrijving is die van Max Hoornweg naar VOC. De Capellenaar doorliep vanaf de jongste jeugd alle teams en verschillende KNCB selecties en brak via Sparta 2 door in het eerste elftal waar hij tot 134 officiële duels (112 wickets) kwam. De 26-jarige pace bowler maakte afgelopen 2 seizoenen deel uit van het Nederlands A team en is voor de derde Europese winter op rij in Zuid-Afrika actief. Wij wensen onze vriend Max uiteraard alle succes bij zijn nieuwe club en dat hij zijn cricketdoelen mag behalen!

Zuid-Afrikaan Garnett Tarr verruild Sparta na twee seizoenen voor het Schotse Kelburne CC. Tarr leverde in 2021 opnieuw een sterk seizoen af in Capelle en kon rekenen op veel belangstelling uit het VK. De 21-jarige keeperbatsman scoorde in 47 officiële duels 1664 runs met 12×50 en 3×100 voor Sparta en was ook een periode aanvoerder. Wij danken Garnett voor zijn inzet en wensen hem veel plezier en succes in Glasgow!

Spartaan Rob Kemming match referee op het EK 10overs in Spanje

Buiten de drie Sparta 1 cricketers die voor Nederland en België actief zijn op het EK in Spanje is er nog een clubgenoot actief op het toernooi in Málaga. Rob Kemming is namelijk match referee voor alle bijna 100 duels die worden gespeeld waarbij hij naast de toss ook de videoscheidsrechter assisteert en de wedstrijden evalueert.

Natuurlijk zijn we heel trots op “Sir Rob” en wensen hem veel succes op het EK!

Drie Spartanen in actie op Europees kampioenschap 10 overs in Spanje

Spartanen Max Hoornweg, Ali Raza en Mamoon Latif gaan naar het EK 10 over cricket. Van 13 september tot 8 oktober 2021 wordt in Cártama (Málaga, Spanje) door 15 landenteams gestreden om de Europese titel. Ali en Mamoon kwamen beide voor België eerder deze week al in actie tegen gastland Spanje. Max reist volgende week met Netherlands XI (NL amateurelftal) af om te spelen in poule B met onder andere Roemenië en Oostenrijk.

Het gehele toernooi, bijna 100 wedstrijden, is in Nederland te volgen en te zien gratis en voor niets op YouTube op het kanaal van ECN. Dezelfde organisatie met wie Sparta onlangs de European Cricket Series in Capelle organiseerde. Zowel de Belgen als de Nederlandse afvaardiging behoren tot de favorieten waarin ook kan worden uitgekeken naar poule C waar sterke landen als Italië en Duitsland het uitvechten met England XI, het Engels amateurelftal. Namens Sparta wensen wij Max, Ali en Mamoon veel succes!

Netherlands XI: Sebastiaan Braat a (Hermes-DVS), Vivian Kingma va (VCC), Asad Zulfiqar wk (PCCR), Boris Gorlee (HCC), Clayton Floyd (HCC), Julian de Mey (HBS), Max Hoornweg (Sparta), Musa Ahmad (HCC), Navjit Singh (HBS), Niels Etman (Excelsior’20), Olivier Elenbaas (Hermes-DVS), Ryan Klein (HBS), Victor Lubbers (Salland).

Sparta 4 gezellig op zaterdagmiddag

Beste cricketvrienden, het was een hele mooie afsluiter van het seizoen. We hebben dik gewonnen. Ook met alle spelers die hebben mee gedaan dit jaar met de zami’s is wel gebleken dat door met een laagdrempelig eltal, dat het plezier en vooral gezelligheid we een goede basis hebben gezet voor volgend seizoen.

Er zijn plannen om een nieuwjaarswedstrijd te organiseren. Dit was in de tijd dat Colin Jackson coach was van Sparta begonnen. Wens iedereen een korte winter gezonde winter toe en dat we volgend seizoen weer een hoop lol en spel vreugde mogen beleven op ons prachtige complex. Hein.

CHAMPIONS!!! SV Kampong Cricket cruise to FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle title – T10 CRICKET LIVE

SV Kampong Cricket went from featuring in the Eliminator to overcoming Veni Vedi Vici, undefeated in nine successive matches until the Final, by nine wickets in the Final.

Previously unbeaten VVV posted 101/7 batting first in the Final, but KAM proved more than up to the task in reply. Powered by an unbeaten 66 off just 23 balls from Belgium international Shaheryar Butt, KAM cruised to the target with nine wickets and 19 balls to spare. Skipper Usman Malik, the highest run-scorer in the season, remained unbeaten on 22 at the other end.

Earlier on Finals day, KAM overcame Qui Vive by 51 runs in the Eliminator and then went on to beat Sparta Cricket 1888 in the second qualifier by 21 runs. VVV went straight to the Final after beating SPC in the first qualifier.

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle

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Day 3 PREVIEW: FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle – Matches 11 to 15 – T10 LIVE CRICKET

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle provides an opportunity for five teams contesting 24 games over five days to establish the Champions. Every game will be live streamed worldwide on the European Cricket Network and on FanCode – a multi-sport aggregator platform, from the house of Dream Sports for the Indian Sub-Continent.

European Cricket Network live broadcasts five T10 matches on Day 3 of the 2021 FanCode ECS Netherlands, Capelle on Wednesday 1 September.

Reigning champs Sparta have made a strong start and will be eyeing back-to-back ECS successes. Belgian representatives Liege make the short trip from across the border to take on the might of Netherlands cricket on the third day of the FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle. 


SPC  Sparta Cricket 1888 (6-0, NRR+4.436)

VVV  Veni Vedi Vici (2-0, NRR+4.400)

KAM  SV Kampong Cricket (2-2, NRR-1.815)

LIE  Liege (0-2, NRR-3.800)

QUV  Qui Vive (0-6, NRR-5.640)

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle

Batting Stats

Bowling Stats

Fielding Stats


MATCH 11 (ECS21.710)


0700 GMT | 0900 CET | 1230 IST

KAM Last Five Matches: W L L W W (Avg Score For 99, Avg Score Against 115) 

VVV Last Five Matches: W W (Avg Score For 133, Avg Score Against 89) 


Captain: Usman Malik

Wicketkeeper: Ratha Alphonse

Projected Top Four: Usman Malik, Dipesh Khardia, Ratha Alphonse, Vikram Chaturvedi

Projected Opening Bowlers: Usman Malik, Saqlain Raja

Spin Options: Pierre Jacod


Usman Malikcaptain, right arm medium pacer, second highest wicket taker for KAM last term scalping EIGHT wickets in seven games at an ER of 6.07. Top scorer and wicket taker for KAM on scoring 181 runs and picking up FIVE wickets.

Bilal Saleemexperienced all-rounder, scored 61 runs in five innings last term, only dismissed once, and picked up three wickets as well. Scored an unbeaten 31 off 13 balls vs QUV on Tuesday.

Ratha Alphonse, young, talented wicket-keeper batsman, second highest scorer for KAM last year, racking up 113 runs in six matches. Racked up 51 runs in two games on Monday.

Vikram Chaturvedi, the hard hitting batsman mustered 42 off 14 balls on Tuesday vs QUV.


Captain: Zishan Akram

Wicketkeeper: Rahil Ahmad

Projected Top Four: Zishan Akram, Rahil Ahmed, Faisal Mehmood, Shahrukh Akhter

Projected Opening Bowlers: Ashir Abid, Faisal Mehmood

Spin Options: Sheraz Sheikh, Mohsin Ghaznavi, Ali Rashid


Sheraz Sheikh was the hero for Belgium in the third T20I. The all-rounder returned with figures of 3-22 and scored a crucial 19* off 14 balls to take the Belgians to victory. He was adjudged man of the match for his valuable contributions with bat and ball. Looked good scoring an unbeaten 22 off 10 balls vs QUV on Monday.

Faisal Mehmood, hard hitting batsman, can destroy any bowling attack, will be key for the VVV side at the top of the order. Scored 35 runs and picked up a wicket on Monday.

Zishan Akram, captain, has taken the responsibility to open the innings and provide good starts to his team, looked impressive on Monday scoring 40 runs at a strike rate of 250!

Shahrukh Akhter, the big hitting batsman top scored for VVV on Monday mustering 53 runs in two innings at a SR of 221.

A star studded Veni Vedi Vici side with a stack of Belgium Internationals in their ranks won both their matches on the opening day, and return to the fray after the break against an improving KAM side who won twice on Tuesday. VVV should prove strong enough to grab the win, but this could go either way.

Match Prediction: Veni Vedi Vici (VVV) to rack up third consecutive win.


MATCH 12 (ECS21.711)


0900 GMT | 1100 CET | 1430 IST

LIE Last Five Matches: L W NRL L (Avg Score For 91, Avg Score Against 113) 

KAM Last Five Matches: W L L W W (Avg Score For 99, Avg Score Against 115) 


Captain: Umair Butt

Wicketkeeper: Sultan Ali

Projected Top Four: Muneeb Muhammad, Abdul Rehman, Umair Butt, Burhan Niaz

Projected Opening Bowlers: Sohail Chaudhary, Abdul Rehman

Spin Options: Umair Butt, Shafiullah Zakhel

LIEGE Key Players:

Burhan Niaz, 17-year-old capable all-rounder, right hand batsman with solid technique, can accelerate at will. Bowls medium pace and can swing the ball, plays for Belgium National team, wreaked havoc on debut, running through the Malta batting lineup with man of the match figures of 4-8 in his four overs which also included a maiden in the T20I series. Picked up THREE wickets on Tuesday.

Abdul Rehman, the talented opening batsman bounced back with a good looking 38 off 17 balls after getting a duck in the first match.

Sohail Chaudhary is one of the top bowlers in Belgium who generates serious swing. Not express pace but is very effective with his line and length.

Umair Butt, captain, all-rounder, good top order batsman, bowls leg spin and has many variations up his sleeve. Can take the game away from the opposition on his day and has represented Belgium in the past. Scored 55 off 23 balls in the first game.


Captain: Usman Malik

Wicketkeeper: Ratha Alphonse

Projected Top Four: Usman Malik, Dipesh Khardia, Ratha Alphonse, Vikram Chaturvedi

Projected Opening Bowlers: Usman Malik, Saqlain Raja

Spin Options: Pierre Jacod


Usman Malikcaptain, right arm medium pacer, second highest wicket taker for KAM last term scalping EIGHT wickets in seven games at an ER of 6.07. Top scorer and wicket taker for KAM on scoring 181 runs and picking up FIVE wickets.

Bilal Saleemexperienced all-rounder, scored 61 runs in five innings last term, only dismissed once, and picked up three wickets as well. Scored an unbeaten 31 off 13 balls vs QUV on Tuesday.

Ratha Alphonse, young, talented wicket-keeper batsman, second highest scorer for KAM last year, racking up 113 runs in six matches. Racked up 51 runs in two games on Monday.

Vikram Chaturvedi, the hard hitting batsman mustered 42 off 14 balls on Tuesday vs QUV.

Liege slipped to two defeats on Tuesday and will be looking to get back on track against KAM who play back-to-back matches to kick off proceedings on Wednesday.

Match Prediction: SV Kampong Cricket (KAM) to win comfortably.


MATCH 13 (ECS21.712)


1100 GMT | 1300 CET | 1630 IST

VVV Last Five Matches: W W (Avg Score For 133, Avg Score Against 89) 

LIE Last Five Matches: L W NRL L (Avg Score For 91, Avg Score Against 113) 


Captain: Zishan Akram

Wicketkeeper: Rahil Ahmad

Projected Top Four: Zishan Akram, Rahil Ahmed, Faisal Mehmood, Shahrukh Akhter

Projected Opening Bowlers: Ashir Abid, Faisal Mehmood

Spin Options: Sheraz Sheikh, Mohsin Ghaznavi, Ali Rashid


Sheraz Sheikh was the hero for Belgium in the third T20I. The all-rounder returned with figures of 3-22 and scored a crucial 19* off 14 balls to take the Belgians to victory. He was adjudged man of the match for his valuable contributions with bat and ball. Looked good scoring an unbeaten 22 off 10 balls vs QUV on Monday.

Faisal Mehmood, hard hitting batsman, can destroy any bowling attack, will be key for the VVV side at the top of the order. Scored 35 runs and picked up a wicket on Monday.

Zishan Akram, captain, has taken the responsibility to open the innings and provide good starts to his team, looked impressive on Monday scoring 40 runs at a strike rate of 250!

Shahrukh Akhter, the big hitting batsman top scored for VVV on Monday mustering 53 runs in two innings at a SR of 221.


Captain: Umair Butt

Wicketkeeper: Sultan Ali

Projected Top Four: Muneeb Muhammad, Abdul Rehman, Umair Butt, Burhan Niaz

Projected Opening Bowlers: Sohail Chaudhary, Abdul Rehman

Spin Options: Umair Butt, Shafiullah Zakhel

LIEGE Key Players:

Burhan Niaz, 17-year-old capable all-rounder, right hand batsman with solid technique, can accelerate at will. Bowls medium pace and can swing the ball, plays for Belgium National team, wreaked havoc on debut, running through the Malta batting lineup with man of the match figures of 4-8 in his four overs which also included a maiden in the T20I series. Picked up THREE wickets on Tuesday.

Abdul Rehman, the talented opening batsman bounced back with a good looking 38 off 17 balls after getting a duck in the first match.

Sohail Chaudhary is one of the top bowlers in Belgium who generates serious swing. Not express pace but is very effective with his line and length.

Umair Butt, captain, all-rounder, good top order batsman, bowls leg spin and has many variations up his sleeve. Can take the game away from the opposition on his day and has represented Belgium in the past. Scored 55 off 23 balls in the first game.

Now it’s Liege’s turn to go back to back facing VVV who went into the day unbeaten. VVV should prove strong for the Belgian visitors.

Match Prediction: Veni Vedi Vici (VVV) to win at a canter.


MATCH 14  (ECS21.713)


1300 GMT | 1500 CET | 1830 IST

SPC Last Five Matches: W W W W W (Avg Score For 144, Avg Score Against 99) 

VVV Last Five Matches: W W (Avg Score For 133, Avg Score Against 89) 


Captain: Garnett Tarr

Wicketkeeper: Garnett Tarr

Projected Top Four: Garnett Tarr, Musa Ahmad, Vikramjit Singh, Aryan Dutt

Projected Opening Bowlers: Vikramjit Singh, Asief Hoseinbaks

Spin Options: Faisal Iqbal, Shariz Ahmad

SPARTA CRICKET 1888 Key Players:

Musa Ahmad, talented left handed batsman, top scorer last summer mustering 254 runs at a strike rate of 192. The hard hitting batsman also hit the most fours and sixes – 24 and 18 respectively. Scored his second ECS century on Tuesday mustering 101* off 36 balls vs LIE.

Garnett Tarrright handed opening batsman, mustered 54 off 16 in the first game and 77 off 25 in the last game of the opening day. Top run scorer in the tournament hammering 314 runs in six games at a SR of 296 bagging three man of the match awards.

Salman Yaqub, right arm medium pacer, top wicket taker on the opening day scalping FOUR wickets in three games with a best return of 2-8.

Shariz Ahmad, the off-spinner is the leading wicket taker for SPC picking up SIX wickets in six games at an economy rate of just 5.30.


Captain: Zishan Akram

Wicketkeeper: Rahil Ahmad

Projected Top Four: Zishan Akram, Rahil Ahmed, Faisal Mehmood, Shahrukh Akhter

Projected Opening Bowlers: Ashir Abid, Faisal Mehmood

Spin Options: Sheraz Sheikh, Mohsin Ghaznavi, Ali Rashid


Sheraz Sheikh was the hero for Belgium in the third T20I. The all-rounder returned with figures of 3-22 and scored a crucial 19* off 14 balls to take the Belgians to victory. He was adjudged man of the match for his valuable contributions with bat and ball. Looked good scoring an unbeaten 22 off 10 balls vs QUV on Monday.

Faisal Mehmood, hard hitting batsman, can destroy any bowling attack, will be key for the VVV side at the top of the order. Scored 35 runs and picked up a wicket on Monday.

Zishan Akram, captain, has taken the responsibility to open the innings and provide good starts to his team, looked impressive on Monday scoring 40 runs at a strike rate of 250!

Shahrukh Akhter, the big hitting batsman top scored for VVV on Monday mustering 53 runs in two innings at a SR of 221.

Both these sides boasted unbeaten records going into the day, with reigning champs Sparta winning six out of six leading the way. VVV have the depth and quality to push the hosts all the way, but may be a little tired in their third outing of the day.

Match Prediction: Sparta Cricket 1888 (SPC) to edge a narrow win.


MATCH 15  (ECS21.714)


1500 GMT | 1700 CET | 2030 IST

LIE Last Five Matches: L W NRL L (Avg Score For 91, Avg Score Against 113) 

KAM Last Five Matches: W L L W W (Avg Score For 99, Avg Score Against 115) 


Captain: Umair Butt

Wicketkeeper: Sultan Ali

Projected Top Four: Muneeb Muhammad, Abdul Rehman, Umair Butt, Burhan Niaz

Projected Opening Bowlers: Sohail Chaudhary, Abdul Rehman

Spin Options: Umair Butt, Shafiullah Zakhel

LIEGE Key Players:

Burhan Niaz, 17-year-old capable all-rounder, right hand batsman with solid technique, can accelerate at will. Bowls medium pace and can swing the ball, plays for Belgium National team, wreaked havoc on debut, running through the Malta batting lineup with man of the match figures of 4-8 in his four overs which also included a maiden in the T20I series. Picked up THREE wickets on Tuesday.

Abdul Rehman, the talented opening batsman bounced back with a good looking 38 off 17 balls after getting a duck in the first match.

Sohail Chaudhary is one of the top bowlers in Belgium who generates serious swing. Not express pace but is very effective with his line and length.

Umair Butt, captain, all-rounder, good top order batsman, bowls leg spin and has many variations up his sleeve. Can take the game away from the opposition on his day and has represented Belgium in the past. Scored 55 off 23 balls in the first game.


Captain: Usman Malik

Wicketkeeper: Ratha Alphonse

Projected Top Four: Usman Malik, Dipesh Khardia, Ratha Alphonse, Vikram Chaturvedi

Projected Opening Bowlers: Usman Malik, Saqlain Raja

Spin Options: Pierre Jacod


Usman Malikcaptain, right arm medium pacer, second highest wicket taker for KAM last term scalping EIGHT wickets in seven games at an ER of 6.07. Top scorer and wicket taker for KAM on scoring 181 runs and picking up FIVE wickets.

Bilal Saleemexperienced all-rounder, scored 61 runs in five innings last term, only dismissed once, and picked up three wickets as well. Scored an unbeaten 31 off 13 balls vs QUV on Tuesday.

Ratha Alphonse, young, talented wicket-keeper batsman, second highest scorer for KAM last year, racking up 113 runs in six matches. Racked up 51 runs in two games on Monday.

Vikram Chaturvedi, the hard hitting batsman mustered 42 off 14 balls on Tuesday vs QUV.

KAM have improved since the start of the competition and will provide a stiff test for the Belgian tourists who will be looking to move up the standings.

Last time they met: ECS21.711 | To be updated (1 Sep 2021)

Match Prediction: Liege (LIE) to avenge a previous defeat from Match 12.

Tune into the LIVE action from Netherlands from Monday to Friday from 0700 GMT * 0900 CEST * 1230 IST *

Introducing Sparta Cricket 1888 (SPC) FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle – T10 CRICKET LIVE

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle provides an opportunity for five teams contesting 24 games over five days to establish the Champions. Every game will be live streamed worldwide on the European Cricket Network and on FanCode – a multi-sport aggregator platform, from the house of Dream Sports for the Indian Sub-Continent.

Hosts Sparta Cricket 1888 (SPC) enjoyed a phenomenal run at European Cricket Series Capelle 2020 topping the league stages with a 5-1 record. SPC went on to win the tournament on home soil beating Excelsior 20 in the Final.

European Cricket Series Capelle 2020

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Captain: Mudassar Bukhari

Wicketkeeper: Garnett Tarr

Projected Top Four: Musa Ahmad, Garnett Tarr, Mudassar Bukhari, Vikramjit Singh,

Projected Opening Bowlers: Max Hoornweg, Mudassar Bukhari

Spin Options: Faisal Iqbal, Shariz Ahmad

Musa Ahmad, talented left handed batsman, top scorer last summer mustering 254 runs at a strike rate of 192. The hard hitting batsman also hit the most fours and sixes – 24 and 18

Mudassar Bukharicaptain, all-rounder, second highest scorer for SPC last year racking up 129 runs in six innings at a strike rate of 215. Joint top wicket taker for SPC picking up FOUR.

Ali Raza, the stylish right hander racked up 113 runs in four matches including an unbeaten 52 off 29 balls in the Final against Excelsior 20.

Usman Saleemthe experienced medium pacer bagged the best bowling figures last term scalping 4-8. He was the only bowler in the whole tournament to claim a four wicket haul.

Max Hoornweg, the 26-year old pacer ended joint highest wicket taker for SPC scalping FOUR wickets in seven games.

Joost-Martjin Snoep, right arm medium pacer, joint leading wicket taker for SPC last term picking up FOUR wickets.

Garnett Tarr, right handed opening batsman, mustered 54 off 16 in the opening game to bag the man of the match award in his maiden ECS match. He is quick behind the wickets too!

Tune into the live action from Germany from Monday to Saturday from 0700 GMT * 0900 CEST * 1230 IST *

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle – Preview – All you need to know – T10 CRICKET LIVE

FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle provides an opportunity for five teams contesting 24 games over five days to establish the Champions. Every game will be live streamed worldwide on the European Cricket Network and on FanCode – a multi-sport aggregator platform, from the house of Dream Sports for the Indian Sub-Continent.


Liege (LIE)

Qui Vive (QUV)

Sparta Cricket 1888 (SPC)

SV Kampong Cricket (KAM)

Veni Vedi Vici (VVV)

European Cricket Series Capelle 2020

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European Cricket Series Belgium 2020

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Bowling Stats

Fielding Stats

Hosts Sparta Cricket 1888 (SPC) enjoyed a phenomenal run at European Cricket Series Capelle 2020 topping the league stages with a 5-1 record. SPC went on to win the tournament on home soil beating Excelsior 20 in the Final.

SV Kampong Cricket (KAM) had a mixed tournament last term winning just two of their six league games, but managed to bag Bronze medal honours beating fourth placed Voorburg Cricket Club. With the benefit of that precious ECS experience, KAM will be hoping for an improved showing this time around.

Formed in 2013, Liege boast a strong mix of young and experienced players in their ranks who have played at the international level and will be keen to show their talent to a global audience.  Liege will travel from across the border in Belgium to take part in FanCode ECS Netherlands Capelle, having featured in ECS Belgium last season. LIE ended with a 1-1 record in the group stages while their Shield Final was abandoned. On Dutch soil, LIE will be keen to go deep in the tournament this time around.

Formed in 1902, Veni Vedi Vici (VVV) is a multicultural club with six senior teams and four youth teams. VVV is one of the fastest growing clubs in the Netherlands with a good professional set up and overseas professional playing coaches every season. On debut, VVV will be looking to make a serious impression on the grand stage of European Cricket.

Mainly comprising members from India, Qui Vive (QUV) remains somewhat of an unknown quantity. QUV will look to spring a surprise or two against more fancied opposition on their ECS debut.  

Tune into the LIVE action from Netherlands from Monday to Friday from 0700 GMT * 0900 CEST * 1230 IST *